Mr. Richard Di Bona
Technical Director of LLA & LLA (Shanghai)
Over 30 years' post-MSc transport planning experience, spanning over 20 countries/ territories.
Specialist in transport modelling, economics, policy and market research.
Extensive experience in infrastructure scheme appraisal (traffic and revenue forecasts, accessibility, impact, social cost-benefit, financial and risk analysis).
Undertaken World Bank Expert Missions and a variety of modelling/ planning troubleshooting assignments internationally.
Key projects include:
Ridership, Planning and Economics Study for 3 New MRT Lines, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Setting up of a Land Transport Authority, Mauritius (World Bank)
Abu Dhabi Surface Transport Master Plan, UAE
Tianjin Urban Transport Management Institutional Strengthening and Public Transport Study, Tianjin, China (World Bank)
Dubai Urban Development Framework, UAE
Peer Review of Derivation of Updated 5-Year Transportation System Implementation Plans, Dubai, UAE
Greater Mekong Subregion Transport Sector Strategy Study, Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand & Vietnam (Asian Development Bank)
Traffic and revenue forecasts for IPO's, Secondary Listings and Bond Issues of expressway operators including Anhui Expressway Co. Ltd., Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Shareholding Co. Ltd, Jiangsu Expressway Co. Ltd and Shandong Infrastructure Co. Ltd, China
Survey on Goods Vehicle Travel Characteristics 2003, Hong Kong
Shah Alam Integrated Transport Study, Malaysia
Review of Public Transport Fares Structure, Singapore
Chaloen Ratchamongkhon (MRTA Blue Line) Patronage and Revenue Audit, Bangkok, Thailand
London Transportation Studies, United Kingdom
"Challenges to Mass Transit Implementation and Methods to Support Project Viability and Success: Experience in Rapidly Developing Cities", Urban Transportation Summit 2010, Kuwait City, Kuwait, 10-13 October 2010
“Migrants Handed Triple Whammy”, The Development Observer, No. 1, June 2009, pp 13-14
“What are the Key Risks Associated with Private Investment in Start-Up Toll Road Projects in Developing East Asian Economies?”, MBA Dissertation, Henley Management College (now Henley Business School), UK, 2006
“Discussion of Future Development, Management and Use of the Greater Mekong Subregion Transport Model” (with Corbett, V.F.), Workshop on ADB TA 6195-REG: GMS Transport Sector Strategy Study, Vientiane, Laos, 21 March 2006
“GMS Transport Model”, Workshop on Draft Final Report of ADB TA 6195-REG: GMS Transport Sector Strategy Study, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 8-9 December 2005
“An Assessment of Ramp Metering and Speed Limits as Motorway Traffic Control Strategies”, MSc. Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1992